Before Refrigerators Were Invented, How Did People Preserve Their Food (Particularly Meat) So That I


2023-11-28 16:12:13

Before Refrigerators Were Invented, How Did People Preserve Their Food (Particularly Meat) So That It Didn't Spoil?

When it comes to preserving food, refrigeration is the most common method used today. However, before refrigerators were invented, people had to rely on other methods to keep their food from spoiling, particularly meat which can spoil quickly in warm temperatures.

One ancient Persian method of food preservation was the yakhchal, meaning 'ice pit' in Persian. Yakhchal was a dome-shaped structure made of mortar resistant to heat transmission, where snow and ice were stored beneath the ground. This allowed people to have access to ice even during hot months and allowed for prolonged food preservation.

In Europe and other less developed nations at the time, spices were often used to preserve meat. Salt was the most popular spice since pepper was still expensive and difficult to attain. Other methods of food preservation included drying, cooling, smoking, stewing, canning, jellying, pickling, and burying in the ground.

  • Drying: Meat could be dried in the sun or via other methods, such as beef jerky.
  • Cooling: Food could be cooled by leaving it outside in the cold or by placing it near a drafty window.
  • Freezing: In colder climates, food could be buried in the snow to keep it frozen.
  • Smoking: Smoking meat, such as ham, was a common method of preservation.
  • Stewing: Stewing meat at temperatures above 63 degrees Celsius was considered adequate for preserving food by today's standards.
  • Canning: Canned foods, such as Vienna sausages, were also a popular method of preservation.
  • Jellying: Jelly made from pig's head was a common method of preservation in some cultures.
  • Pickling: Pickling, such as with corned beef, involved preserving food in a vinegar and salt solution.
  • Burying in the ground: In some cultures, burying food in the ground was a common method of preservation.


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food preservation refrigeration yakhchal spices drying cooling

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